Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 1-So It Begins -Aug. 17th

Christopher entered the MTC on Wednesday, August 14th, 2013. We got to hear from him on Saturday, the 17th.  I included my letter to him so that his letter would make more sense. 

Dear Elder Egan,

I so wish I could be a fly on the wall and know how your first full day at the MTC went! I have so many questions I hope you can find time to answer some of them. So, let’s begin;

1. Who is your companion and where is he from?
2. How many missionaries are in your district?
3. Have you seen lots of friends and Chase? I read one of his letters and he said he couldn't wait until you got there!
4. How are your classes? I assume it is Tagalog immersion. How is it?
5. How is the MTC food?
6. What would you like me to send you? (Something forgotten or a candy craving)
7. Best and worst part of the first day at the MTC?
8. I know this one is weird, are you using the sheets you brought or are they just for Laoag?
9. Have we been pronouncing Laoag correctly?
10. We found your sunglasses in the car. Did you forget them or leave them on purpose?
OK. I think those are enough questions for now.

I meant to send you with a blanket just for the MTC but of course forgot. Dad says not to worry and that like you've been saying, you won't be cold for two years, so...but, let me know if you would like one. No problem to send and you can give it to someone else when you leave or send it back home.

Oh, I also meant to send you with another SD card for your camera. I will send that with all the pics we took on Wed. before dropping you off. I'm sorry for how long that all dragged on...but what can I say, first time parents here. Poor Kolsen had to endure the rest of the day touring around BYU campus, then outlet mall shopping. We didn't get home 'til 10:00 pm and all Kolsen wanted to do was get back home to his new phone! :) He was a good sport -sort of- for someone that would rather poke their eyes out then be outlet shopping. Kind of reminds me of someone else I know...

I hope you found all of our letters and pics. I was going to tape our testimonies on the inside front and back covers of your journal but you can decide what to do with them.

I will close now. Good luck with the language and your classes. Eat a lot and don’t forget to wear you flip flops in the shower! :)

We love you!! Carry on.
Love, Mom
Kumusta pamiliya!
Let's start by answering some questions:
1. My companion is Elder Johnson from southern California
2. There are six elders (including me) and 6 sisters in my District
3. I have seen a lot of people and I swear I find at least 3 more everyday!  I found Chase on Thursday and ran into him again later that day.
4. The classes are in complete Tagalog.  It's pretty fun some days because our teacher, Bro. Mansfield, is awesome!  It's very challenging though, yet I know that it will help me in learning. 
5. The food's not bad, but it depends on the day of whether or not I really like it.  There's more than enough food for all the missionaries to eat though.  I'm praying for the Spirit to help me learn and teach in Tagalog and I'm very grateful for the Lord's hand in the work.
6. I need to get the most current immunization record I have because they need a hard copy on file (didn't know that).  I'm pretty good on everything else though, maybe some more nike socks for gym.
7. Worst part is how overwhelmed you feel, but the best part is the incredible feeling that exists at the MTC
8. I am using the sheets I was given because the ones here were pretty gross and way too hot
9. Laoag is pronounced like Robert Erickson was saying it.  Low-ahg.
10. I sort of left those on purpose because I was rushing to get out and I really don't think we'll need them.  I've never seen anyone with them except one of the elders in my district
No blanket please!  I will never use it and neither will anyone else until winter time.  The SD card is 16 GB and I didn't even use 2 GB for my entire photo class.  I really think another SD card isn't necessary, but the pictures will be nice to have.  Koooolseeen!!  Tell him that for me will you?  Shopping just isn't a hobby for the Egan boys.  I found all the letters and pictures and I have a place to keep all of those precious things.  I'm wearing flip flops in the shower, don't worry. 
Mahal kita!
(I love you)
Elder Egan

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